Domhain Press
an domhain - the Earth
'We have forgotten how to be good guests, how to walk lightly on the earth as its other creatures do.'
Barbara Ward

Domhain Press is a new publisher whose mission is to promote fiction and poetry concerned with environmental issues. Its first publication is 'The Book of Earthpower' by Adam Anderson, the first volume in a fantasy fiction trilogy set in a post-environmental-catastrophe future, where the world has been rebuilt through radical principles which guard the Earth, but which are, once again, under threat. It will appeal to young adult and adult readers alike.
'The Book of Earthpower' is now released as an ebook on all major outlets. The paper edition has very few copies left, so please email directly via this site if you wish to purchase one (£9.99 + 3.50 p+p).
Adam is a secondary school teacher in Kent, and has been for many years. 'The Book Of Earthpower' is his debut novel. He is currently working on the second volume in the series.
Logo and cover design by Emily Blaxill: elblaxill@gmail.com

"But finally, as they crested a hill, there it was in the valley below, its high, white, turreted walls pink in the evening sun, reaching right across the valley and scaling the hills either side. A misty maze of buildings lay beyond the walls, centred around a tall, circular edifice, flags of all colours fluttering from its peak: the Temple of Earthpower – the fortress wherein lay The Book of Earthpower. As they briefly stopped to gaze, Remuz was struck with a great sense of mystery, and a great sense of destiny. Whatever was to become of him, it was to come soon, and its beginning and end would be in the Citadel."

Adam Anderson was born in the same year the Beatles hit number one in the charts with ‘Help!’. Born in Manchester, raised in the London suburbs, he says that he bumbled through life with admirable invisibility.
After a spell in bookselling, and other random jobs, he stumbled into teaching at the age of thirty, having met and married the love of his life, Eve. They moved to Kent, where they have lived ever since. All through his teaching career, Adam has kept his hand in what he felt was his true vocation, writing, composing songs, poems, short stories and plays.

Adam and Eve’s children, Pierre and Camille, now grown and flown, Adam finally took up the challenge of writing his first novel, ‘The Book of Earthpower’, a project which had been slow cooking in the oven for many years. Three summers in the making, and another editing and proofing, Adam has at last presented it, the first volume in a trilogy, for publication. This is what he says about the book.
“As with all right-minded people, I have grown increasingly uncomfortable with the rapidly deteriorating state of our planet, racked by rampant, unregulated consumption. The Book of Earthpower was originally envisaged purely as a fantastical entertainment based on my experience as a karateka and love of nature, and it can just be approached this way, but I began to realize its potential to project a message too: a message about our planet, its essential beauty, potential power, and how we should live in harmony with it. So, to coin a phrase, I hope that The Book of Earthpower will make you laugh, make you cry, make you wait… and make you think.”
When he has spare time, and when he is not writing, Adam likes to walk, forage, and swim in the sea.
Adam Anderson believes in Earthpower.

To purchase a paperback copy of the book, please complete the form, click on 'Proceed to Checkout' to order the book. We will the contact you with PayPal instructions.